The 2024 Annual Report contains descriptions of CLC ministry activity from 2024, meeting minutes from the Annual Meeting, and the 2025 Budget Draft.
2024 Annual Report
CLC Policies
Constitution & Bylaws
These are the formative documents first written in 1947 at the founding of the congregation and amended periodically thereafter. These documents provide an outline of who we are and how we will conduct ourselves both legally and as a community.
Photo & Video Policy
We love to capture special moments happening on our campus and during our services. Often, photo or video captured during CLC events will be shared via social media, our website, and/or our newsletters. Please click below to learn more about our Photo & Video Policy.
Comprehensive Financial Policy
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pacific Beach (CELC) is entrusted by God with financial and material resources to carry out the work of the church. It is the intention of the Congregation to be good and faithful stewards, using such resources wisely and with care. The Congregation Council (“Council”) is the board of directors for the Congregation and is guided by the Congregation's Constitution and Bylaws. These Comprehensive Financial Policies have been developed to give further guidance regarding the use of financial resources.
Investments Policy
The objective of this policy is to assure a reasonable return for Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pacific Beach (CELC)’s invested capital which ultimately will further our mission.
In general, the purpose of this statement is to outline a philosophy and attitude which will guide investment management of CELC assets. It is intended to be sufficiently specific to be meaningful, yet flexible enough to be practical. The Investment Policy Guidelines is Appendix A of the Comprehensive Financial Plan.
Housing Reserve Policy
In late 2002, the congregation of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pacific Beach (CELC) voted to approve the sale of the Diamond Street parsonage (1108 Diamond St, San Diego, CA 92109) and distribute a portion of the proceeds to create an equity reserve fund “to assist a future pastor in the purchase of a home.” The Equity/Housing Reserve Fund Policy is Appendix B of the Comprehensive Financial Plan.
Sabbatical Policy
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America encourages congregations to allow sabbaticals for clergy and full-time associates in ministry. Experience shows the congregation's ministry directly benefits from the study, growth, and renewal that occurs as a result of a sabbatical. God gives the sabbath pattern as a time of renewal, a time to be reminded of whose we are and what we are called to do, a time of rest that refreshes us for life.
Personnel Policy
It is the intent of the Christ Lutheran Church congregation to conduct its relationship with its staff members in a professional manner and according to Christian principles. To that end, these statements of personnel practices and policies are established to provide fair and equitable administration of Christ Lutheran Church (CLC), and so that each employee of the congregation may know the terms of employment that will govern his/her relationship with the congregation.