Generosity is an integral part of our faith life. Read below to learn about our giving philosophy and the various ways you can participate.
CLC Giving
Our Giving Philosophy
God is giving and generous. Everything we have - our families, friends, home, food, job, and even our money - is a gift that God has graciously given to us to steward on behalf of the world.
As followers of Jesus and practicing disciples, giving generously is one way we extend the flow of God’s gifts to the world. When we give, we trust that God uses our money for the wellbeing of all creation, and we are reminded that we worship God, not our possessions.
Giving is an act of trust in the God who has entrusted us with our abundance. When we share our abundance, we partake in the very life of God and are then sent out into the world as what Martin Luther called “little Christs.”
At Christ Lutheran Church, we invite anyone that comes into our doors or joins us through our digital ministry to participate in the flow of God’s gifts to the world. In giving, we experience God’s kingdom among us, a new world where there is enough for all people.
Where CLC Gives
When you give with Christ Lutheran Church, your gift is sent into the community to do God’s work. You can specify where you would like your offering to be applied, either within our organization or passed through to your organization of choice. Below is a list of groups and organizations we currently support with our budgeted benevolence.
Ways To Give To CLC
Cash Or Check
These oldie but goodie forms of offering are always welcome and accepted.
You can drop your gift of either cash or check in the offering on Sunday, or checks can be mailed to:
Christ Lutheran Church
4761 Cass Street
San Diego, CA 92071
Want to make an offering or but don't carry cash or checks? We've got you covered with two options for digital giving. Scroll down to learn more!
Are you looking to give in another way? We can help you with information on a variety of ways to give to CLC.
Just contact our Business Manager, Sabrina Stern.
On Our Website
Click here to be directed to our online giving page, where you will be guided through an account setup process. With this giving method, you can set up one time or recurring gifts directly from your debit or credit card and choose where your funds will be applied.
How To Give Digitally
Vanco Mobile App
The Vanco Mobile app is a modern giving platform that allows you determine the amount, frequency, and destination of your gift.
For Android, click here. For Apple, click here.