CLC Endowment Fund
What will be your legacy?
endowment - n - an income or form of property given or bequeathed to someone
As a way to support the community, CLC created an Endowment Fund to support those doing work that furthers our mission but is not supported by a current program/ministry. Contributions to this fund are distributed in the form of general grants and scholarships, and applications can be found below. If you’re still wondering what an endowment is and why we have one, please visit the Endowment FAQs at the bottom of this page.
Endowment FAQs
The general purpose of the CLC Endowment Fund is to enhance the work of the congregation by supporting ministries and stewardship opportunities additional to or apart from the ordinary course of operation of the congregation.
In accordance with the IRS, Endowment funds “shall be used exclusively for religious, charitable, and educational purposes.”
The value of the Endowment Fund is based on the contributions of CLC members and non-members who wish to provide support to the additional ministries and stewardship activities that might benefit the congregation and/or others. These contributions are the source of the Endowment Fund principal, which remains in the fund over the long-term. The funds available for grants and scholarships are the earnings on investments of the principal.
The Endowment Fund Committee makes recommendations to the Church Council for specific financial awards that satisfy the requirements of the fund, as outlined in the CLC bylaws.
Qualifications and selection criteria are listed on each application form. Please be sure to review the submission requirements carefully.