The needs of the world and our community are vast. Since we know we can’t do it all,
we partner with service organizations who are carrying out a mission fueled by God’s of love for those in need.
Learn more about those organizations and their missions below.
Partners In Service
What is the Rwandan Orphans Project (ROP)?
ROP was started in 2006 after two members of the church visited Rwanda and witnessed the desperate plight of the children living in the streets. Some of them were survivors of the 1994 genocide with no surviving family. Some were living on the streets because there simply was not enough food at their house.
What is CLC’s connection to ROP?
When the story of Rwandan children trying to survive by begging and stealing food was told to the CLC congregation, there was an immediate response to raise funds to help those suffering in the streets of their home country. This was the beginning of ROP and CLC’s relationship.
What was started as a goal to provide food, shelter, clothes, and education has developed into a center of community. Children served by ROP now have the ability to look beyond merely surviving in the streets. They can now live out their God given right to follow their dreams.
CLC continues to support ROP through donations and prayers.
What is Community Christian Service Agency (CCSA)?
CCSA is organization that provides emergency services to individuals and families in need in San Diego County. Services provided include food, clothing, referrals, and counseling to assist in the transition to self-reliance. CCSA has been operating in San Diego County for over 40 years through a large volunteer workforce and donations from member churches, community groups, and businesses. More than 90% of the money donated to CCSA is spent on programs directly benefiting CCSA clients.
What is CLC’s connection to CCSA?
Christ Lutheran Church is a dedicated member church of CCSA. We support the mission of the organization through offerings and donations of food and clothing.
What is Sowing Seeds of Life and Family (SSoLF)?
SSoLF was founded by Sister Esperanza Ortiz Macías, of the Archdiocese of Tijuana, as a boarding school for girls who have experienced atrocities such as abandonment, neglect, abuse, trafficking. The organization aim to create a safe and healing environment through a culture of love and ecology by providing an integrative formation in a natural environment.
What is CLC’s connection to SSoLF?
Members of our community volunteer their time at the boarding school, supporting the learning of the residents and assisting with projects around the property, and others send monetary and material donations.